Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The man called alone..

Been called so many names
Been mocked many a time
My biggest critic is the dementor growing deep inside.... Me.
What some might like to call
A man's overbloated conscience
The more spiritual will call it the police of the soul
The caution, the brakes so a man does not wander off road
But I know only what it's told me
In retrospect it was never meant to leave me alone. To be less judgy and unappreciative of myself I realize I have grown. Being a work in progress and all that
In many ways it shows I AM ALONE! I keep trying to do better while I fight the demons trying to take away home. And I plod along on my own

Ramblings and a little touch of....

To love and be loved is the crave of the human spirit.
The unloved find themselves in a pit called the wretched unforgiven.
I am on a path of self discovery, love and understanding; what it means to exist and enjoy living.
I am trying to understand why human nature loves the forbidden.
We love what we should not love. We hunger for what we should not touch.
We search for fulfilment in what will bring nothing but emptiness and loss.
We forget the price paid by an innocent who hung on a cross. It sounds so easy as I say this
But it's never easy, especially when I look deep into her eyes and strength fails me.
Right and wrong become lines that are extremely blurred. Especially when wrong comes in the form of a perfume scented touch


A paragon of beauty
The physical embodiment of seamless and timeless beauty; exquisite in it's uniqueness
What is this thing you might ask me?
I call it ....... SHE!
A taker of thoughts.
A controller of emotions and words.
An unparallel surge of attraction, like electricity drawn to iron
A rollercoaster of inherently subdued desires and feelings.
What is this strange and seemingly unexplainable entity?
I call it ...... SHE!!

What is the thing I see in shades of red, blue and green? Like the conglomeration of sweet textures on color defying lipstick on near perfect lips... With a body well shaped and trim. What could this be? To whom can we ascribe this?
I call it.... SHE!
Who is she?
She is her! She is here! She is there! She is one who stares!
She is also one who cares! She cares and smiles as she reads what I wrote here. She is YOU!

An unbridled passion

I write these words calm in the knowledge they could make or mar me
I speak in a tongue I hope you and I speak
I exist in a world that defies understanding
I couldn't tell you of it even if I found a way to describe what I am feeling
I have come to the realization I am one of many things
I am an imperfect individual who tries with varying degrees of success to do the right thing
I sometimes let unwholesome motions and passions to get the best of me
I am on a journey of self discovery to understand what it is that I see
To understand what makes me; me.
To finally rest in the knowledge that I am at peace and free
But you can't be free when you hunger for what is not yours to have or give
I wonder if any have ever felt like this?
You love what you should not love. You don't hate what you should hate. You spend hours fixating on a person who for all intents and purposes is far from your reach.
It's like you are floating in space while trying to catch something the earth keeps in it's wake.
Every thought of you is like a feeling akin to labor pain.
What then will be my gain? If these thoughts of love drive me insane.