Thursday, January 30, 2020

What is love?

I was asked... What is love?
A million guesses and you still wouldn't guess my response...
The answer seemed to come from the north
From a part of me I thought was buried, lost and for lack of a better word GONE!
What is love?
I do not know...
What is love?
No response from deep in my soul ..
What is love? Hypnosis? A strange sort of glow?
What is love? I honestly do not know...
Is it  or the attachment or deep connection you feel to things?
Is it the unwholesome desires you feel for something, someone you have no business seeing?
Could it be your own desires lashing out at what lies beneath?
Or could it be when you look at her and something touches you deep?
Or could it be the excitement bubbling on your insides when you break down her layers of defences and she's putty at your feet?
Or could it be a feeling coined by the Divine above what mere men, mortals can experience?
What is love?
I do not have the answers; same way I didn't when this question was first asked of me.
What is love?
Only in God can the true answer to this riddle unfold 

Not enough words

Quantify, stupefy, beautify, personify...
There aren't enough words
There aren't enough thoughts
Vocabulary isn't enough
It's like a trainee painter trying to paint the Sistine chapel
One word would encompass his efforts.... FAILURE
I am a poet... A dreamer
Some would go as far as to call me a writer
In certain circles I would be labeled a fighter
In others I am a stranger
A healer....
Words are my balm, my prescription, my way of giving relief
A woman like you.... Don't remember now if it was you.... Called my effect soothing
She said i use words to soothe.. I use words to heal
That my words have more tensile strength than two ton weights
That subject however is up for debate
My failure is knowing inspite of my word strength... I do not have any way or means to describe the mystery, synergy, beauty, complexity, desirability, simplicity, loveliness that is YOU!
Be proud... You are YOU!!!

Friday, January 24, 2020

Ticks and tocks

Tick by tick, tock by tock
Time stretches thin
It's in moments like this I think about where I've been
The only constant in all of this are eyes that bewitch
They shine like beacons in a darkness so complete
You are not sure where it ends and begins
I am a man who remembers many things
I remember a time when things were a lot simpler than this
A time we were much younger
A time we saw further
Those were days and times of wonder
The tick or the tock
Echoing louder than a gun
In absolute silence rivaling an empty tomb could be ignored
Left glum and in gloom
But in all this bedlam, noise, crushing vortexes
I remember you
Your eyes are the one that bewitch
You stand for all of this
Your voice over a billion voices
While tick tock drowns out all other noises.
This is my poem a day challenge.... Will you accept or reject?